Valentines is Finally Over



Eric OMONDI with his girlfriend  Shantel GRAZIOLI


A day after the much if not the most celebrated Valentines Day,Kenyans have taken to twitter in what appears to be a come back for all those who had varnished from the face of the earth or at least twitter to share their experiences.Well,if you thought this experiences are only about a huge ‘catch’ on the day when the country and especially Nairobi was painted in red then you got it all wrong.


It appears some fellows had deserted their significant others on Valentines Day and sought for asylum elsewhere due to high expectations or say inability to meet the expectations.For this group of individuals,it was obvious that their soul mates remained adamant on the need to be taken out for a date despite being persuaded to ‘seek the kingdom first’.As a matter of fact,some churches in the city have been reported to have had a record high attendance that possibly be linked to an influx in asylum seekers who went to hid themselves ‘under the rock’.

and am thinking how to go about this. Sijui nimwambie haikua mm

via @twitter



However, that is not all that was.Team Mafisi is said to be reporting back on duty today after their obvious absence yesterday.You could perhaps be wondering why would a bona-fide member of the prestigious Mafisi Sacco be on strike on the Valentine Day or at least the eve thereof?Well,the answer to this question is simple.An average member of the Sacco would probably have something in the neighborhood of tens if not hundreds of concubines.Now,bearing in mind that hyenas are often associated with greed but also indecisiveness,it was difficult and in fact untenable to have all these dates taken care of.

Team Mafisi are back to their normal duties…

via @twitter


Meanwhile,the much celebrated Kenyan comedian Eric Omondi decided to seize the opportunity yesterday to propose to his Italian girlfriend Shantel Grazioli.The proposal which took place along the Kenyan coastline is seen as a bold move by the comedian who has often been interpreted as being vague as far as disclosing his status is concerned.concerned. Grazioli arrived in the country last year at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport to a well choreographed dance led by her boyfriend and is said to be planning to relocate to Kenya.


And finally,the iconic Winners’ Chapel Nairobi auditorium was a beehive of activities yesterday when the newly posted Resident Pastor and Regional Overseer of the East African Region whose headquarters are based in Nairobi decided to spoil the youths and singles which mouth watering delicacies at a valentines dinner held at the church facility.

Pastor Joseph Ikechwukwu won the love of the youths with his insightful message on courtship and dating but more importantly what was described as a realistic approach to life when he supported expressed support to single ladies wearing make-up saying that make up is divine urging  single men and women to look good.The outspoken pastor further threatened to lecture any youth who would fall short of expectation saying young people must endeavor to look smart.

By Jeremiah WAKAYA



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