Tag Archives: Refugee Crisis

Combat Terrorism and War Mongers to Avert a Refugee Crisis


By Jeremiah WAKAYA | @WakayaKE

The upsurge in the number of people fleeing war is with no doubt a testimony of an increasingly volatile world. From terrorism to ethnic clashes, the world has continued to watch as thousands of people flee from war. These great injustices have continued to occur despite the fact that bodies such as the United Nations – whose existence is primarily to ensure a peaceful world, continue to operate with albeit with great difficulty.

Such difficulties are evident in that fact that different UN organs established in 1945 are seen as toothless dogs that have often watch helplessly when counties and regions suffer from terrorism and ethnic chaos. What for instance is the use of a Security Council that has done little if anything at all to combat or support countries fighting terrorism? More and more territory has been left at the hands of blood-thirsty terrorists who have turned against fellow citizens, displacing and killing hundreds of thousands of people. These groups have also imposed dictatorial laws that infringe of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Of greater concern though is the somewhat success story of the UNHCR, The UN refugee body that has taken pride in alleviating pain for thousands of refugees in host nations. From provision of water to shelter, UNHRC has done but so much to support and help refuges. But for how long will innocent civilians continue to be refugees? My answer to this question is, “just temporarily.”

I hold the opinion that ultimately, the global community must act decisively to stem out terrorism and secure territories under the control of criminals and the so called jihad groups. By so doing we will help rebuild counties and provide an opportunities for refugees to go back to their countries of origin. Failure to do so only creates an opportunity for terror groups to turn territories they have seized into terror breeding grounds which ultimately have proven to have ripple effects on refugee host countries.

Take Kenya for instance; after opening its borders to hundreds of thousands of Somali’s fleeing war, the country has 25 years down the line been faced with numerous threats to what appears to be an enhanced Al-Shabaab. You will agree with me that Al-Shabaab continued to gain more ground in Somalia until the Kenyan military and later on AMISOM forces intervened.

This war has however received little support from the international community even as countries like Kenya continue to dig deep in its pockets to fund and sustain operation in Somalia since the beginning of Operation Linda Nchi on 16 October 2011.

The United Nations Secretary General Ban ki Moon during the recently concluded World Humanitarian Summit in Turkey admitted to the fact that “humanitarian action has been unprecedentedly strained” even as “political will” among nations continues to decline. Recently the European Union signed a deal with Turkey in efforts to deter an influx of refugees in its territory in exchange for financial support and political gain which would see Turkeys’ application for EU membership accelerated.

Truth be told, the welfare of citizens of any nation is the primary duty of any government. If today the Kenyan government feels refugee camps are a threat to the security of the nation then the world must not condemn the government. We should instead work to ensure Somalia is stable and safer for refugees to be repatriated in the most humanly manner possible.

One wonders when the government of Somalia objects to the repatriation of refugees knowing very well that Kenyan troops have worked tirelessly and paid dearly to pacify a great deal of the country’s territory. Somali official should instead work towards ensuring that those going back to Somalia are provided with land and security. In any case, the very government has continued to operate with help of foreign troops. The focus should now be on building capacity of Somalia security forces in anticipation of the exit of foreign troops which its parliamentarians have so shamelessly condemned in the past including recent threats to expel Kenyan troops.

The UN Security Council must therefore rise to the occasion and provide actionable measures that will see territory seized by terrorists across nations of the earth regained. Failure to do this will only see more and more territory fall into the hands of terror groups.


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Posted by on May 24, 2016 in Opinion, Uncategorized


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