Tag Archives: President Uhuru Kenyatta

Netanyahu Embarks on Africa Visit as Cabinet Approves 12.9 Million USD for the Continent

Netanyahu Embarks on Africa Visit as Cabinet Approves 12.9 Million USD for the Continent

By Jeremiah WAKAYA| @WakayaKE


Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu addresses reporters at Ben Gurion International Airport before departing for Africa.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has commenced his historic visit to Africa today in a move to boost ties with the continent.

The visit will see the PM set foot on four African countries, accompanied by about 80 businesspersons from over 50 Israeli companies who will be engaging the business communities in Kenya and Ethiopia where economic seminars will be held under the auspices of President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya and Ethiopian Prime Minister  Hailemariam Desalegn.

According to an official statement from Netanyahu’s press office, the tour which will see the premier visit Uganda,Kenya, Rwanda and Ethiopia will focus on strengthening economic links and cooperation with African countries. Prior to the commencement of the tour, the Israeli cabinet passed a NIS 50 Million plan, an equivalent of 12.9 Million USD to strengthen economic ties with the continent.

Netanyahu visit

Countries to be visited by Netanyahu

Apart from strengthening of economic ties , Netanyahu’s delegation will discuss issues of cooperation on security and agriculture which are very key in the region that has been faced with security challenges arising from insurgents by the Somali based militants Al Shabaab.

Prime Minister Netanyahu is expected to begin his tour in the continent in Uganda later today when his plane will touch down at Entebbe where he will be received by President Yoweri Museveni in an official ceremony with a 19-gun salute.


Netanyahu’s itinerary

Thereafter, he will proceed to mark 40 years since the Entebbe raid also known as Operation Thunderbolt otherwise nick named Operation Jonathan; a hostage-rescue mission by Israel Defense Forces commandos on 4 July 1976, an operation that saw 100 commandos rescue 102 Israeli hostages in a record 90 minutes.

During the raid, Netanyahu’s brother Lt. Col. Yonatan Netanyahu who was the unit commander lost his life alongside 45 Ugandan soldiers while another five Israeli commandos were wounded in the operation.Only three hostages were killed in the operation that only took one week to plan.

The Israeli Premier will also have a diplomatic meeting with East African heads of states before leaving Uganda for Kenya where he will start his state visit and thereafter head to Rwanda before winding up his maiden tour to Africa in Ethiopia.

Among heads of states expected to attend the diplomatic meeting are the host Yoweri Museveni,Kenya’s Uhuru Kenyatta,Rwanda’s Paul Kagame, Ethiopian Prime Minister  Hailemariam Desalegn,President Edgar Lungu of Zambia and South Sudan’s Salva Kiir Mayardit.

President John Pombe Magufuli of Tanzania will be represented at the meeting by his foreign minister Dr. Augustine Philip Mahiga.


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Uhuru Walks the Talk


Presidet Uhuru Kenyatta

In the run up to the March 2013 elections,Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta reassured Kenyans while campaigning amid allegation that his presidency would compromise on the sovereignty and well being of Kenya ,that,his ICC case was a personal challenge.Despite the CORD banking on the cases facing the Jubilee top brass,the coalition clinched the presidency overcoming the hurdles set before them.

It was also keen to note how the Kenyan diplomatic relations with the west would play out after the Jubilee government worn on the March 4th polls.In the midst of statements such as ”choices have consequences” many anticipated a dramatic change of events as far as diplomatic relations with the west were concerned.However,the Jubilee government has continued to enjoy cordial relations the US among other western nations.


Presidet Uhuru Kenyatta addressing a joint sitting of the parliament yesterday

The attendance of summonses to the Hague based ICC court by the Deputy President  William Ruto raised anxiety of whether or not President Uhuru Kenyatta would do the same.The dilemma of consequences of skiping the status conference and at the same time honouring the AU resolution was something that prompted a delicate balancing act.


President Uhuru Kenyatta signing a legal notice invoking article 147(3) of the Constitution of Kenya at Harambee House yesterday

However,in what appeared to have caught many by surprise yesterday during President Kenyatta’s address to a joint sitting of the parliament, Kenyatta confirmed his attendance  to the Hague and undertook to appoint his deputy on an acting capacity in a bid to protect the sovereignty of the nation-the forty million Kenyans he represents.He said, ”It is for this reason that I choose not to put the sovereignty of more than forty million Kenyans on trial, since their democratic will should never be subject to another jurisdiction.”He further said,”Nothing in my position or my deeds as President warrants my being in court…” To protect the sovereignty of the republic of Kenya, I now take the extraordinary and unprecedented step of invoking Article 147(3) of the constitution.I will shortly issue the legal instrument necessary to appoint Hon William Ruto, the Deputy President, as Acting President while I attend the status conference at The Hague, in the Netherlands.”

This was a move welcomed by both those for and against his honoring his summon at the ICC status conference.Speaking to KBC Channel One this morning at the JKIA,Nairobi senator Mr. Gideon Mbuvi Kioko aka Sonko ,who was initially against President Kenyatta appearing before the court said he respects the president’s decision to honour the sermon.

Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta arrived at the airport shortly after 8.00 am accompanied by the First Lady Margret Kenyatta,in a private vehicle without his ADC  and went through normal security checks at the International departure section.Surprising to note also was the fact that the President board KQ flight as opposed to the presidential jet.At the same time,his deputy,the Acting President continued to enjoy the privileges that come with being president since his departure at the Harambee House yesterday where he was appointed Acting President.Members of the public along Langata road were treated to a rare speculation as the Acting President made his way to the CBD in an official presidential entourage.

On thing stands out,that President Uhuru has kept his word to the Kenyan people while at the same time upholding the rule of law.

By Jeremiah Wakaya


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Posted by on October 7, 2014 in Government


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Stars Back From Brazil With A Catalogue of Lessons


…“Seeing is believing. We watched international players from the terraces and we have realized that they do not possess extraordinary skills far from what we have. We only need to believe in ourselves and we will do it,” said an upbeat Onyango.

“We are so elated that we got to travel to watch the world’s best football spectacle. We made the longest journey that I believe will bear the greatest fruits in the coming years. We are most greatful to the Head of State for his support and for believing in us,” Mulei said.

Courtersy of PSCU

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Posted by on July 2, 2014 in Sports


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KTN’s Mohammed Ali Writes To President Uhuru

Following a series of attacks in Kenya over the past one year,questions arise on whether the government is in control of the security of it’s citizens or not.In this imaging trend,it is becoming clearer that more still needs to be done to secure the nation but the major debate has always been how.In his later to the president,Mohammed Ali,KTN’s investigative journalist expresses his concern on this worrying trend.He is however quick to not that the government could be chasing shadows since according to him,Kenyans are fighting against their own flesh and blood.Ali says that his experience as a media personality points out clearly to this fact.

One thing is clear;and that is ,we need to change our approach.Ranging from a series on attacks from Baragoi to Westgate,Gikombaa to Thika superhighway and now Mpeketoni,it is clear that new tactics are being devised to perpetrate crime.The most shocking bit is the alleged failure to prevent such attacks even when intelligence comes way much ahead of this attacks.Are our men on uniform failing us?Mohammed is keen to note the entry of the president in an armored vehicle in the recent national celebrations as a clear indication that security is becoming crucial.

Mohammed’s plea is that the President will move with haste to restore security among it’s citizens who seem to be considering other ways of protecting themselves over what the term to be failure by the state to protect them.

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Posted by on June 18, 2014 in Uncategorized


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UhuRuto Cabinet Pay Cut


The Jubilee cabinet retreat at recently held at Fairmount Mt. Kenya Kenya Safari Club at Nanyuki has with no doubt arose diverse opinions with barely all media houses highlighting the story.The new cut will reduce the President’s and the deputy president’s earnings by 20% will cabinet secretaries  and permanent secretaries are set to have 10% of their salaries slashed.This comes even as the Salaries and Renumeration Commission raised a red flag over the national wage bill which the commission says is unrealistic and cripples the economy.

During the 7th March cabinet retreart the President and his cabinet threw their weight behind the matter breaking the news of the agreed salary cuts with members of his cabinet.Highlighting measures taken by his cabinat to tame the galloping public wage bill , the President said  they had firmly resolved to prudently manage the funds which Kenyans have entrusted to them.  ” First: Mindful of the rising public wage bill, my deputy and I will take a 20% pay cut and our Cabinet Secretaries and Principal Secretaries have accepted a 10% pay cut, with immediate effect,” said the President with his Deputy by his side nodding vehemently in agreement.The ministries chiefs were also firmly in support and loyal to this directive as evident by the fact that there were no divergent views.

It was also clear that government spending on foreign trips would came under a tight scrutiny and vetting.With regard to this the President to have been warning members of the cabinet stating clearly that a  new international travel policy, which will restrict foreign journeys to none but the most essential was being drafted.Wastage would also be the next thing to watch in minimizing government spending as Government  rationalizes the recurrent expenditure that add no value to public service delivery .

However, it also emerged that more is still expected of men and women manning the ministries as clearly put by the president,”Ladies and Gentlemen, you’ll forgive me for repeating that we came here to have a free and frank discussion of the year’s progress, and to set out our priorities for the year to come.  It is enough to say that in this, the fiftieth year of our independence, and the first of my administration, we recall with gratitude how far we’ve come.”

As the Salaries and Renumeration Commission meets to open a dialogue for public participation on the wage bill,it can only be fair for all Kenyans to have a sober discussion putting aside partisan interests.It is clear that our wage bill is getting out of control and something needs to be done .However, if opinions taked by media houses is anything to go by, Keyans seem to be the proverbial ostrich burying it’s head under the sun imagining by so doing , danger will elude it.Kenyans seem to be comfortable with the current wage bill as far as such poll are concerned!

As I wind up,it is my hope that a proper structuring and re-sructuring will be done in order to get rid of the so-called ghost workers and harmonize salaries among public servant to avoid disparities.We are Kenyans and we make Kenya.Kenya needs me and you at her greatest point of need.Lets all stand up and be counted as proud citizens!


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Posted by on March 10, 2014 in Uncategorized


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