From Kibera to a Public Figure

-A story of the sensational Johnson Mwakazi

mwakaziIt one of the most interesting and inspiring story.A life that God Himself has raised;from a ”slumdom” to stardom.In an interview with Turning Point,Mwakazi,a household name in Kenya as far as television personality are concerned shared his inspiring story that would perhaps make most of you wonder at the marvelous things that God does.God?Yes,God is the figure that Mwakazi  attributes his successes to.

So where did Mwakazi come from?Mwakazi was raised up in Kibera by his mother who worked in casual job.Unfortunately his father was a drankard and that would mean he had no mentor not to talk of provision of basic needs.Worst still,his introduction to pornography came in as a major blow that would have ruined his life but his introduction to Church at  All Saints Cathedral acted as a major turning point in his life.He learned that the was wrong and that he was violating himself and his body.

Mwakazi admits that it wasn’t easy to quit masturbation what encouraged him most is the still voice saying get up ”let’s continue with the race”.This indeed was the voice of his Father-God.His was not just fearing God but a commitment not to do evil against God with whom he now had a constant relationship with.Humility became a major channel to his raising up even as he dedicated his time to the theater group in Kibera.

mwakazi 1I came to give my life to Jesus when I was in secondary school.  Now one thing changed in my life, when I was still in pornography and masturbation, it was basically a matter of, “I just hope nobody comes to the realization that I do this,”Mwakazi says.But when I got saved I came to understand that it was wrong, that it was a sin against God and against my own body. And that prompted me to call upon God and really cry unto God, “God remove this, remove this from me.”

But God had to bring me to a moment of stillness. In my spirit I heard a very still, small voice saying, “I love you. I love you.” And that came as a powerful message into my life. And God was telling me, “I was with you every second of that life, I was with you. And even right now I am with you.”

After a struggle, Mwakazi made it to escaping the addictions.His career started at a theater group in Kibera where he was given a role  as a narrator.This was a tranformative move that led to his discovery of what he was capable of.

Johnson went to Kichinjioni Nursery School,then went to Kibera Primary School before  joining Jamuhuri High School. At Jamuhuri,he met affluent students from rich families and he  would lie to them that he was from Woodley Estate,just to avoid being looked down upon.


Mwakazi is still a born again christian who lives according to the plan of the Lord and he says that all this was God preparing him to be the great presenter he is.His committement to God can be illustrated by the lovely song he sings passionately to his marker-My Life Is Not My Own.

Mwakazi has won the love of many during his career at Citizen’s TV  Power Breakfast Show.There is no doubt that people will miss him ;both funs and co-workers as clearly illustrated by this clip:


mwakazi2mwakazi3I believe this is such an inspiration to those of you who my feel unwanted ,uncared for,deserted or less fortunate.You may lack a mentor like he did but with can what can you lack?”ALL things are possible with God to him that believes.

”That is what the Bible says.There is only one demand for you and I,believing.Remember without faith we can not please God.It takes faith to believe in God.







3 responses to “KNOW YOUR STAR

  1. stephen

    May 27, 2014 at 22:09

    this is wonderful men


      June 11, 2014 at 09:32

      Thank you bro.Good news!We are know incoroperarting video support for the stories.REAL TRENDS BLOG is the place to be plus you have a chance of contributing you article and I will publish it!


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