About Us


cropped-rtm.pngReal Trends Blog is a platform dedicated to promote your writing and access of information which is true and unbiased.Founded by WAKAYA H. JEREMIAH ,this blog is dedicated to publishing stories not only by the founder but also  by other contributors and visitors on the blog.This space was created for:

  • Those who want their story told objectively.
  • Those who want to have a frank and merited discussion on stories published by various writers and contributors of the blog.
  • Those who want to make a difference in their world through dispensing transformational information.
  • Those who want to put to work their art of story writing in areas of their training e.g entertainment,sports, accounts,politics,law the list is endless.
  • Here , we give you an opportunity to learn and grow.

So welcome to REAL TRENDS BLOG a member or the REAL TRENDS MEDIA!


A stud211614_100002718100283_1166183178_qent at the University of Nairobi pursuing a B.A.(Journalism & Media Studies).Mr. WAKAYA is charismatic person who is dutiful and creative and with a passion to transform people around him.He values giving opportunities to others and working as a team to achieve goals.A pace setter and committed to what he does , he is probably the next outstanding and outshining media personality who will draw attention across the continent and the globe.Currenlly working on a talk show titled THE REAL TRENDS TALK SHOW, you can not afford to miss it here on REAL TRENDS BLOG .He is committed and focused to what he does and believes.A committed Christian and worship leader.


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