Netanyahu Embarks on Africa Visit as Cabinet Approves 12.9 Million USD for the Continent

04 Jul
Netanyahu Embarks on Africa Visit as Cabinet Approves 12.9 Million USD for the Continent

By Jeremiah WAKAYA| @WakayaKE


Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu addresses reporters at Ben Gurion International Airport before departing for Africa.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has commenced his historic visit to Africa today in a move to boost ties with the continent.

The visit will see the PM set foot on four African countries, accompanied by about 80 businesspersons from over 50 Israeli companies who will be engaging the business communities in Kenya and Ethiopia where economic seminars will be held under the auspices of President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya and Ethiopian Prime Minister  Hailemariam Desalegn.

According to an official statement from Netanyahu’s press office, the tour which will see the premier visit Uganda,Kenya, Rwanda and Ethiopia will focus on strengthening economic links and cooperation with African countries. Prior to the commencement of the tour, the Israeli cabinet passed a NIS 50 Million plan, an equivalent of 12.9 Million USD to strengthen economic ties with the continent.

Netanyahu visit

Countries to be visited by Netanyahu

Apart from strengthening of economic ties , Netanyahu’s delegation will discuss issues of cooperation on security and agriculture which are very key in the region that has been faced with security challenges arising from insurgents by the Somali based militants Al Shabaab.

Prime Minister Netanyahu is expected to begin his tour in the continent in Uganda later today when his plane will touch down at Entebbe where he will be received by President Yoweri Museveni in an official ceremony with a 19-gun salute.


Netanyahu’s itinerary

Thereafter, he will proceed to mark 40 years since the Entebbe raid also known as Operation Thunderbolt otherwise nick named Operation Jonathan; a hostage-rescue mission by Israel Defense Forces commandos on 4 July 1976, an operation that saw 100 commandos rescue 102 Israeli hostages in a record 90 minutes.

During the raid, Netanyahu’s brother Lt. Col. Yonatan Netanyahu who was the unit commander lost his life alongside 45 Ugandan soldiers while another five Israeli commandos were wounded in the operation.Only three hostages were killed in the operation that only took one week to plan.

The Israeli Premier will also have a diplomatic meeting with East African heads of states before leaving Uganda for Kenya where he will start his state visit and thereafter head to Rwanda before winding up his maiden tour to Africa in Ethiopia.

Among heads of states expected to attend the diplomatic meeting are the host Yoweri Museveni,Kenya’s Uhuru Kenyatta,Rwanda’s Paul Kagame, Ethiopian Prime Minister  Hailemariam Desalegn,President Edgar Lungu of Zambia and South Sudan’s Salva Kiir Mayardit.

President John Pombe Magufuli of Tanzania will be represented at the meeting by his foreign minister Dr. Augustine Philip Mahiga.


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