Monthly Archives: March 2015

President Obama Set to Visit Kenya in July

Air Force One over Mt. Rushmore |CREDIT:The White House Office of the Press Secretary

Air Force One over Mt. Rushmore |CREDIT:The White House Office of the Press Secretary

The Office of the Press Secretary on March 30, 2015 released a statement indicating that President Barack Obama will be visiting Kenya in July.In what will go down as his fourth official visit to sub-Saharan Africa during his presidency,President Obama will be attending 2015 Global Entrepreneurship Summit () ;an annual event which commenced in 2009.

Kenya will be the first sub-Saharan African country to host since the government agreed to co-host the event.The event brings together emerging entrepreneurs with leaders from business, international organizations, and governments looking to support them.

The White House also indicated that President Obama will hold bilateral meetings.Part of the statement read,”His trip will build on the success of the August 2014 U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit and continue our efforts to work with countries in sub-Saharan Africa, including Kenya, to accelerate economic growth, strengthen democratic institutions, and improve security.”



Kenyans have welcomed the news considering the speculation on whether or not President Obama would visit the country before the end of his term.In previous visits to Sub-Saharan Africa,President Obama has visited Senegal,South Africa,Tanzania and Ghana.

Story by Jeremiah Wakaya

Senior Editor

Real Trends Blog


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Jeremy Clarkson’s Fate Sealed

Jeremy Clarkson|Photo:BBC

Jeremy Clarkson|Photo:BBC


After days of speculation on the fate of BBC’s Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson’s fate,the BBC Director-General,Tony  Hall finally revealed that BBC has no intention to renew his contract which is due to expire next month.In a press statement released by the BBC Press Office yesterday,Mr. Tony Hall indicated that careful consideration of the facts was taken into account as presented by both Jeremy and Oisin Tymon.

BBC’s Director General also revealed the findings of the report conducted by Ken MacQuarrie amid heightened public interest into the matter.He further noted that he took no pleasure in publishing the report but rather it was to help the public understand the background.Mr. Tony Hall said,”It was not disputed by Jeremy Clarkson or any witness that Oisin Tymon was the victim of an unprovoked physical and verbal attack.It is also clear to me that Oisin Tymon is an important creative member of theTop Gear team who is well valued and respected. He has suffered significant personal distress as a result of this incident, through no fault of his own.”

Investigation of the incident on 4th March as conducted by Ken MacQuarrie

Investigation of the incident on 4th March as conducted by Ken MacQuarrie

With plans to renew the Top Gear slated for 2016,it remain uncertain weather the successor of Clarkson will retain the 350 million fans worldwide bearing in mind the public outcry to retain him.

Story by Jeremiah Wakaya

Senior Editor

Real Trends Blog

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Posted by on March 26, 2015 in Entertainment Shows


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Breakthrough as Casting Crowns Singer Mark Hall Cancer is Terminated

Mark Hall|Casting Crown Singer

Mark Hall|Casting Crown Singer

Casting Crowns lead singer Mark Hall successfully underwent an operation on Wednesday March 11, 2015 to remove a cancerous kidney.The surgery which was reported by the Casting Crowns band to have been a great success was completed shortly before 2.00pm.

In an update on the band facebook page,the team could not hide their joy.An update by the group read,”Mark is out of surgery. Everything went really well. Dr says textbook operation. Just like we prayed for. I told the doctor that he might possibly be the most prayed for Dr. on the planet today. He will be in recovery for a while. Thank you so much for your prayers.”

 Band and close family and friends  praying at the hospital

Band and close family and friends praying at the hospital

Expressing her gratitude,Mark Hall’s wife Melanie said,”I’m completely humbled by the number of people that have expressed their love for us and are interceding in prayer. There are no words to express the gratitude in this wife’s heart. Thank you for praying for us. We have had friends and strangers from all over the world tell us they are praying — an orphan school in Kenya, neighbors we just met, long lost high school friends, Christian music artists from their concerts, schools, offices, pastors in South Africa, chaplains in the Army, churches, radio DJs, fans, missionaries in Brazil, and countless others I couldn’t begin to name. Thank you. Your prayers are felt.”

In the meantime,fans across the globe received the news with great joy as is evident in their tweets.The support by the fans could not be under estimated right before and after the surgery as evident in the hashtag on twitter and facebook.

Story by Jeremiah Wakaya

Senior Editor

Real Trends Blog


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Sonko Comes to the Rescue of Illing Mzee Ojwang’ ”Hatari”

 Contrary to rumors peddled by bloggers and social media enthusiasts claiming that Mzee Ojwang’ (Benson Wanjau) was dead,it has now emerged the Vitimbi actor is alive although medically challenged.

The neglected Kajwang’ had been suffering from partial blindness silently until Vitimbi crew led by Mama Kayayi paid Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko a visit who then dispatched the Sonko Rescue Team which rushed Ojwang’ to Loresho Hospital to see an ophthalmologist.According to an update on Sonko’s social accounts,Mr. Ojwang’ is said to be in safe hands at the hospital.

Meanwhile,a hashtag has been trending on twitter today,with plans underway to aid Mzee Ojwang’.

Until his health deteriorated,Mzee Ojwang’ acted as husband to Mama Kayayi, and as a proprietor of a popular eatery on the local comedy show-Vitimbi.


Story by Jeremiah Wakaya

Senior Editor

Real Trends Blog

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Posted by on March 12, 2015 in Breaking news, Celebrities, Comedy


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SABC Crew Robbed at Gunpoint on-camera

SABC Contributing editor, Vuyo Mvoko, Foreign Editor, Sophie Mokoena and journalist, Chriselda Lewis were on Wenesday robbed on-camera while preparing for a live crossing after covering the arrival of Zambian President Edgar Lungu who arrived in the country for medical treatment.

The thugs who appeared to have had no clue that they were being recorded escaped with the crew’s cellphones, laptops and broadcast equipment.Vuyo Mvoko who looked terrified by the two thugs in the video later revealed in an SABC interview that one of the men threatened him with a gun when he did not immediately give up his cellphone.

Gauteng police commissioner Lt-Gen Lesetja Mothiba promised to leave no stone unturned in ensuring the criminals are apprehended.Police seemed to be making little progress even as the brazen nature of the crime shocked many.The video footage showing two men accosting Mvoko hit 465,353 views by 2.54pm (GMT+2).

President Edgar Lungu arrived at Milpark Hospital in Johannesburg for treatment after collapsing while giving a speech in Zambia during World’s Women Day.The President touched down at Lanseria International Airport near Johannesburg at about 5:00pm (GMT+2) and immediately drove to the hospital.

Story by Jeremiah Wakaya

Senior Editor

Real Trends Blog

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Posted by on March 11, 2015 in ROBBERRY, THEFT


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