Monthly Archives: October 2014

Uhuru Walks the Talk


Presidet Uhuru Kenyatta

In the run up to the March 2013 elections,Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta reassured Kenyans while campaigning amid allegation that his presidency would compromise on the sovereignty and well being of Kenya ,that,his ICC case was a personal challenge.Despite the CORD banking on the cases facing the Jubilee top brass,the coalition clinched the presidency overcoming the hurdles set before them.

It was also keen to note how the Kenyan diplomatic relations with the west would play out after the Jubilee government worn on the March 4th polls.In the midst of statements such as ”choices have consequences” many anticipated a dramatic change of events as far as diplomatic relations with the west were concerned.However,the Jubilee government has continued to enjoy cordial relations the US among other western nations.


Presidet Uhuru Kenyatta addressing a joint sitting of the parliament yesterday

The attendance of summonses to the Hague based ICC court by the Deputy President  William Ruto raised anxiety of whether or not President Uhuru Kenyatta would do the same.The dilemma of consequences of skiping the status conference and at the same time honouring the AU resolution was something that prompted a delicate balancing act.


President Uhuru Kenyatta signing a legal notice invoking article 147(3) of the Constitution of Kenya at Harambee House yesterday

However,in what appeared to have caught many by surprise yesterday during President Kenyatta’s address to a joint sitting of the parliament, Kenyatta confirmed his attendance  to the Hague and undertook to appoint his deputy on an acting capacity in a bid to protect the sovereignty of the nation-the forty million Kenyans he represents.He said, ”It is for this reason that I choose not to put the sovereignty of more than forty million Kenyans on trial, since their democratic will should never be subject to another jurisdiction.”He further said,”Nothing in my position or my deeds as President warrants my being in court…” To protect the sovereignty of the republic of Kenya, I now take the extraordinary and unprecedented step of invoking Article 147(3) of the constitution.I will shortly issue the legal instrument necessary to appoint Hon William Ruto, the Deputy President, as Acting President while I attend the status conference at The Hague, in the Netherlands.”

This was a move welcomed by both those for and against his honoring his summon at the ICC status conference.Speaking to KBC Channel One this morning at the JKIA,Nairobi senator Mr. Gideon Mbuvi Kioko aka Sonko ,who was initially against President Kenyatta appearing before the court said he respects the president’s decision to honour the sermon.

Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta arrived at the airport shortly after 8.00 am accompanied by the First Lady Margret Kenyatta,in a private vehicle without his ADC  and went through normal security checks at the International departure section.Surprising to note also was the fact that the President board KQ flight as opposed to the presidential jet.At the same time,his deputy,the Acting President continued to enjoy the privileges that come with being president since his departure at the Harambee House yesterday where he was appointed Acting President.Members of the public along Langata road were treated to a rare speculation as the Acting President made his way to the CBD in an official presidential entourage.

On thing stands out,that President Uhuru has kept his word to the Kenyan people while at the same time upholding the rule of law.

By Jeremiah Wakaya


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Posted by on October 7, 2014 in Government


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Heads Roll After Security Breaches At Whitehouse


Ms Julia Pierson

Ms Julia Pierson,the Director of US Secret Service resigned on Wednesday following sharp critics by American citizens.Julia offered her resignation to the Secretary of Department of Homeland Security , a day after facing angry question from the congress who sought an explanation to security breaches recently witnessed at The Whitehouse.
She came under sharp critics after allegedly allowing an armed man into an elevator together with President Barack Obama when he visited Atlanta.This recent trouble was accumulated by the entry of a stranger into Whitehouse,a 42 year-old man, Omar Gonzalez who jumped the wall on 19th September 2013 shortly after the president had left.This prompted evacuation of staff at The Whitehose as the man overpowered one secret service officer.
Receiving her resignation,the Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Jonson said,”Today the Director Of Secret Service , offered her resignation and I accepted it.”He further said ,”I salute her 30 year service to the Secret Service and the nation.”President Obama’s spokes person Josh Earnest told the media ”the president has accepted her resignation”.
In the meantime,the Director of Homeland Security said that a new panel shall be appointed to review the security of Whitehouse.

By Jeremiah Wakaya 


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Posted by on October 2, 2014 in Security


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