Monthly Archives: September 2014

We Won’t Quit!

The recent beheading of US journalists James Foley,Stephen Sotloff and British aid worker David Haines as a retaliatory attack by Islamic State militants on US airstrikes was with no doubt an act of utmost cruelty demonstrated on innocent civilians.The masked killers who appeared to have drafted a script for their victims directly addressed the US President Barack Obama and Britain Primer David Cameroon before executing the victims.It was keen to note also that the IS also known as Islamic State of Iraq and Syria(ISIS) used a militant with a British accent,a clear indication that the group had been recruiting citizens of other countries as well.

Condemning the killings,the US President Barack Obama said, “Their horrific acts only unite us as a country and stiffen our resolve to take the fight against these terrorists. And those who make the mistake of harming Americans will learn that we will not forget, and that our reach is long, and that justice will be served.”He further said that the US and the world at large was “repulsed by their barbarism” but added that they will never be intimidated.In a quick rejoinder,the US Vice President Joe Biden said,“We will follow them to the gates of hell until they are brought to justice because hell is where they will reside.”On his part,the Britain Premier David Cameron hunt down the monsters who beheaded David Haines.He further described ISIS/ISIL as an “evil” and “callous” organization.

The US further increased their airstrikes not only on ISIS but also on yet another jihadist group,Al-Shabaab,an operation which led to the successful killiis-usng of the head of the terrorist group Ahmed Godane.This came just a few days before Kenya commemorated the first anniversary since the Westgate attack which led to 67 deaths,an attack on which Godane had claimed responsibility.The move by the US to prevent the ISIS from capturing the Haditha dam is also a significant military operation in the series of it’s airstrikes.It is clear that the US’s unmatched military power will go a long way in aiding government forces on the ground given the fact that US has ruled out a possibility of putting it’s boots on the ground.

But even as militant groups across the globe appear to be targeting governments for allegedly ‘killing their people’,it is curious to note that it is in fact the same terror groups that launch attacks on innocent civillians.Take for instance,in the case of Al-Shabaab,it is their continuous attacks on the Kenyan coastline that prompted the government to the the Kenya Defense Forces (KDF) which have since been joined by the African Union’s AMISON.ISIS on the other hand have continuously threatened the Kurdish people to extinction.

In West Africa,Boko Haram have relentlessly committed atrocities against their own people including the kidnapping of 200 school girls which attracted global criticism.The list is endless.











With most countries remaining on high alert including Australia’s recent action off increasing it’s terror threat to high,it remains clear that the terror problem is a global problem that requires concerted efforts.Every nation is at risk.With this in mind,one would wonder whether the actions of some nations to impose travel burns against Kenya for instance on groups on terror related insecurity and threats are indeed genuine and fair.One would expect instead for governments to work hand in hand to combating terror and curbing radicalism.

In Kenya for instance,some religious centers have been known to be grounds for breeding radicalism and training terrorists.Borders also need to be manned properly to avert infiltration of terror elements including barring clerics who are known to be radicalists and supporting terror groups from making an entry into peace loving nations.With this we can all fight and win the war on terror.

Article by Jeremiah Wakaya


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Posted by on September 24, 2014 in Opinion, Security


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