Parking fees standoff in Nairobi city

07 Mar


  The recent move by the county government of Nairobi has with no doubts been criticized and condemned almost in unison.Both the hustlers or the so called sufferers   and  the rich folk seem to have taken issue with the county governors move to hike the parking fee by a whooping 200 percent!More notable though among the critics of this move is Nairobi senator Mike Mbuvi Sonko who outrightly came out to in defense of the rioting matatu operators in the city who spent the better part of yesterday in chasing battles with the men in blue.’This is a matter of public interest.This matter can paralyse the economy of this county and the country at large.”

Nairobi residents yesterday woke up to a harsh reality when PSV operators expressed their displeasure with the hike in parking fees.It is alleged that Mr. Evans Kidero had agree with the operators on charging 14-seater matatus Shs. 3650 as opposed to Shs. 5000 and buses Shs. 5500 as opposed to Shs.10000 per month.However most of the rioting operators found themselves in extreme situations as the came head on with police who were under instruction to disperse the rioting PSV operators who had made it impossible for other people to access the CBD.In his statement Kidero said,”Traffic flow was affected.The CBD wa inaccessible because protesting touts had blocked the entry points.”Governor Kidero insisted that he would not condone blackmail and that he can only meet with the PSV representatives if they agreed to clear the roads. Suprisingly , the governor went back to his City Hall office and calmly watched the unfolding drama from his office balcony.

On a quick rejoinder , the Cabinet Secretary in charge on Transport Eng. Michael Kamau gave an undertaking in a statement to newsrooms that all vehicles involved in blocking roads will have their number plates confiscated and their license revoked.

Legislatures in the senate equally threw their wait into the matter.Bungoma senator Bony Khalwale pleaded with the speaker that as a matter of agency, a comprehensive responce should be provided without further delay.Senator Sonko even likened Kidero’s approach as governing the county as is he was governing Mumias Sugar.”This is not Mumias Sugar.The governor as running this county the way he was managing Mumias Sugar”,said Mr. Sonko.The speaker ordered Mr. Sonko to take his sit before ordering the majority leader to do the due dilligence and furnish the senate with a response without delay.

Whether the crisis will continue is still unknown.For most businesses however , the had to count their loses as worker either repoted late or failed to turn up to work.Others however preferred to play safe and kept their businesses shut for fear of looting.


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Posted by on March 7, 2014 in Uncategorized


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