Monthly Archives: February 2014

Is there a crisis in Embu?

Embu governor Martin Wambora made headlines last week even as he appeared before the senator Khalwale led senate committee to convince  them on why he must not go home even after the Embu MCA’s unanimously agreed on his exit.On friday , Wambora was very keen to tell a story of his background as a God-fearing person once privileged to serve as an alter boy.He even went ahead and told them how the former retired president Moi had sent his aid as he wondered how the Martin he knew could have suddenly changed and become a corrupt fellow.”Instead of seizing the moment, he chose to tell us how he was an alter-boy and relying on other issues that could not convince us of his innocence,” said Khalwale.

The 11-member committee however went ahead and  recommended his removal as they had found him guilty of three charges out of the total five charges on whose ground the Embu County Assembly impeached him.His deputy was lucky enough to survive.Perhaps,

Dorothy Nditi was able to defend herself.The senate committee further explained that what they observed after probing Wambora was “outright violations of the relevant laws”not to mention but a few the procurement of 16 tonnes of maize seeds at Sh 3.52 million,which failed to germinate .What seemed to have driven Khalwale crazy was the fact that Wambora distanced himself from many procurement errs dispute the fact that he is the CEO of the county.The senate committe wondered how the governer could be shifting the blame for violation of the Public Finance Management Act to his subordinates.”The Governor variously pleaded ignorance and shifted blame to his subordinate officers or otherwise repudiated responsibility lead to the culpability complained of,” the Khalwale led committee noted with keen interest.

One thing stood out clear however, that Wabora could have been sleeping on his job.How do you explain his failure to have a county cabinet meeting for a period of one month for instance?Junior staff could have observed this weakness from the soft spoken Wambora and exploited it given the nature of a majority of Kenyans.

Putting the motion on the table at the senate ,Bungoma senator Bony Khalwale was keen to point out the fact that Wambura had to be shown the door.As usual, he begun by painting a picture of a person who wanted to cover himself using his background as a ‘clean man’.”It is the view of the committee that while the primary liability for violations may lie with individual officers, the Constitution which provides for responsibilities of leadership lead to the conclusion that the Governor will be held liable for violations that occur during his watch,” stated the report.
Seconding the motion, Elgeyo Marakwet Senator Kipchumba Murkomen expressed his disappointment on claims that their was a plot to pin down Wambora on the so-called ‘small issues’.He further stated in the debate on the floor of the house that the senate will stand firm to defend devolution.Kipchumba was categorical that the senate was keen to do all it takes to protect devolution from men and women who want to sleep on their job and cry foul when called upon to take responsibility.
Wambora’s fate remains unclear even as he goes to court to challenge his impeachment.Embu County on the other hand seem to be in a stalemate as Dorothy Ndithi is reluctant on ascending into the governor office.It has come to the limelight that the County had agreed to share the cake in equal proportion thus a senator had to come from the Mbeere community while the governor came from the Embu community.The big question however is, what if the court upholds the impeachment of Wambora?
While it is clearly enshrined in the constitution that the deputy governor assumes the governers office under such circumstances,it still remains unclear how such a move will be taken by the county given that deputy governor Dorothy seems to be reluctant on appointing his deputy.
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Posted by on February 17, 2014 in Uncategorized

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