Monthly Archives: December 2013

Kenya At 5O ;Crawling,Walking,Running of Flying?

50What comes into our minds when we mention Kenya or perhaps see our national flag flying within our borders or even oversees?Kenya has come a long way and as we draw near to marking our fiftieth anniversary ,we cannot forget the significant achievements we have made although critics would have us believe otherwise.Taking a look,from the days of our forefathers;the freedom fighters.Men on whom our freedom rides.Bildad Kaggia, Kung’u Karumba, Jomo Kenyatta, Fred Kubai, Paul Ngei, and Achieng’ Oneko are heros that we all are proud of as a country.We cannot forget the contribution of a heroines;the likes of Marshal Muthoni of course and the sacrifice they made for our nation.

Kenya is land of milk and honey.Where on earth would you find a capital city with a national park within?Where on earth would you find a people of search diversity?We must count ourselves privileged!

However,it would be unfair for us to talk about Kenya a fifty without paying tribute to those who have played a significant role of shaping Kenya to what it is today.These are the people who took over from our founding fathers both in keeping the government of the day in check and those who had a privilege to govern the country.Most significantly though, would be those who fought the second liberation battle.Contrary to what were the expectations of many;too soon Kenyans had to fight again even when the Britains were long gone!Jaramogi Ajuma Oginga Odinga(doyen of opposition in Kenya) ,Martin Shikuku’, Koigi wa Wamwere, Raila Amolo Odinga, James Aggrey Bob Orengo, Professor Peter A. Nyong’o, Hezekiah Ochuka,Mwai Kibaki, Prof. Edward Oyugi, Gitobu Imanyara, Ken Matiba and Charles Rubia played a significant role in ensuring political freedom of Kenya is safeguarded. Prof. Wangari Mathai of course rescued the present day Uhuru park which would have in it’s place a complex which was just to ‘glorify’ an individual.May God reward all these heroes,some of which are hardly recognized for the contributions.

It is also important to note that we have made significant achievements politically,the major of them all being the promulgation of the constitution in 2010 by the then President Mwai Kibaki.This goes down in history to be our moment of triumph as a country despite there being a section of us against the endorsement of the constitution,given the fact that an attempt to get a new constitution back in 2005 failed miserably.Encouraging though,the ‘NO’ camp  accepted defeat and we moved forward us a country.The construction of the Thika highway is also another landmark achievement for Kenyans.I would surprise you to now that we can now fund over 90%of our budget!Indeed we have come a long way.We however need to be keen with the rate at which we borrow as a country.

Introduction of the devolved governments did not come without teething problems but we are in control.We however seem to be lacking confidence with some of our vital institutions:the IEBC,The Judiciary are just but the major victims.The March 2013 presidential petition and other petitions throughout the country tells it all.In fact , till date,the CORD captain Raila Odinga and his team maintain they won the 2013 election despite the High Court ruling otherwise.This are people who have claimed since promulgation of the constitution that they have confidence in these institutions.Is it a scenario of living in denial?We seem to have suddenly lost faith in the very institution and people we hailed and declared our trust in their integrity.What are we learning from our political leaders?The recent suspension of six JSC commissioners:Prof. Christine Mango, Ahmednassir Abdulahi, Hon. Justice Mohamed Warsame, Emily Ominde, Reverend Samuel Kobia and Florence Mwangangi  has faced fierce opposition from the CORD and LSK chair.It is clear that we still cannot draw he line between separation of power as enshrined in the supreme law, and holding these institutions responsible.If what we see is anything to go by,the advise by the opposition leader to the six JSC commissioners suspended not to appear before the Hon(rtd) justice Aaron Ringera tribunal, will go down as a clear manifestation of defiance.

As we move forward,we remain optimistic that our country will move towards accomplishing the Kenyan dream.A Kenya where all tribes will feel at home.A nation where the political class will conduct themselves in a responsible manner and save the taxpayer unnecessary waste of money through election petitions and by-elections.We look forward to achieving greater success as a country moving forward.



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Posted by on December 1, 2013 in Uncategorized


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