Is it Time we Change our Education System in Kenya?

11 Nov

The Kenyan education system has been believed to be one of the best in the world by a number of stakeholders in the education sector.The most popular belief by this folk is that a student who makes it in the Kenyan 8-4-4 education system is automatically an academic giant and is deemed fit to undertake studies anywhere in the world.

However, the change from the 7-4-2-3 system in 1985 to the present 8-4-4 system has not had a smooth sail in Kenya not to talk of opposition since its inception, from a significant number o stakeholders in the sector.The system has been tagged a monster that has ‘killed’ talents due to it’s academic centered approach characterized by regular examination which could mean life or death to a typical Kenyan student.

To this day,the KCPE(formally CPE) ,ant the KCSE (formally KCE) in the 8-4-4 system has raised hitted debates as to whether it is fit for the country.One thing is clear however, that the 8-4-4 system needs to be streamlined.In fact, the former Higher Education minister in President Kibaki’s regime is quoted saying,”I am holding important talks with the Education minister so that the 8-4-4 system is retained because the new system is too costly for the country.” Too often, those advocating for the 8-4-4 system acknowledge that it is faulty but instead of agreeing to adopt the proposed 2-6-6-3 system, they lament that it is too costly for the country and that more teachers and learning resources should be allocated instead to improve learning.One wonders just how much is too much for a country’s noble future?

Now, if the media quoted them  correctly, the opponents of the 8-4-4 system argument is not misplaced after all.Come to think of it, how many Kenyans make their living on their talents which the 8-4-4 system attempts to kill due to it’s examination oriented nature?Take for instance,most of the country’s talented icons and how much pride they bring back home not to talk of the revenue.Well, who knows?Suppose the schools they went through ,which focused on games never existed,we would as well have nothing to showcase as a country in term of talent!

Either way, we cannot ignore academic performance and it’s contribution to the country’s development.For instance,the national rugby team has most of it’s player as graduates yet very instrumental at the same time.Take a look at the comedy industry,the likes of Erick Omondi among others are also University graduates and degree holders for that matter.Therefore,it is high time as a country we develop an education system that will develop  talents of our young men and women while at the same time equipping them with academic knowledge, skills and competencies.

If you take a closer look at the proposed 2-6-6-3 system which entails;2 years of ECDE,6 years of primary education,6 years of secondary education and 3 years of tertiary education could save us as a country from the too much time wasted at the eight years and in some cases no ECDE at all which explains why a class four pupil in Kenya could be unable to do simple arithmetic or even chronologically present the alphabetic letters.The 2-6-6-3 system will actually accommodate technical work,self employment and wealth creation which is what the country needs to achieve vision 2030.

My feeling is that the technocrats in the ministry of education should give education matters the seriousness they deserve, the cost on implementing notwithstanding.We all stand to benefit as a country.


1 Comment

Posted by on November 11, 2013 in Uncategorized


One response to “Is it Time we Change our Education System in Kenya?

  1. Nicholas kanyanga

    November 20, 2013 at 12:33

    Lets hold our hands 2gether and fight 4 this changes.


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